Everyday Changemaker

I think I’ve told you that I’m writing a book. After an eight month process with two amazing book coaches, I’m ready to actually start writing. We worked out the big idea, the overall outline and all the details that will fill the pages. Wanna know more?

Based on our work at Development Without Limits, this book will be geared toward everyday people who care about making change in the world. The idea is that most Changemakers believe they have to give themselves entirely to their cause; this leaves them burned out, lonely, and disconnected. But the truth is that by changing the way they show up in the world, they can make a lasting difference without losing themselves.

Changemakers are everywhere. They are the clerk at the grocery store, the second grade teacher at your son’s school, the ex-CEO who’s looking for meaning, the inspired college student, the divorced mom, the retired veteran…

They are you and me. 

Every Changemaker wants to make a difference, whether they’re passionate lay people wondering how they can champion a cause, influencing their peers, or working within an organization. But the problem is, most Changemakers throw themselves wholeheartedly into their cause . . . and it costs them their lives. They are burned out, disenchanted, and have little to show for it. What’s worse is this is exactly what society expects of them! It then becomes “common knowledge” that to be a Changemaker is to be miserable. Therefore, those who want to enact change are choosing a life of martyrdom, sacrificing themselves for “the greater good.” But the portrait of a Changemaker needs to change. These myths are costing society greatly, because they present everyone with a fictional choice: do good, or be happy, but you can’t do both.

What Changemakers need to know is they don’t have to sacrifice their lives to make a difference. In fact, filling their own cups is essential if they want to pour into their cause. The secret to doing so is the 5 P’s outlined in this book. The pursuit of all of these is imperative if they want to make a real, lasting difference. In fact, if everyone knew how to do these things, it would make a positive impact on society as a whole. The truth is, anyone can be a Changemaker, and they don’t have to make themselves miserable in the process. In fact, the opposite is true: pursuit of your own fulfillment is essential to doing good for others. 

As someone who follows this blog and knows changemaking work from the inside, I’d love your thoughts on this description so far.

👉👉AND, I’d love to hear your story about your changemaking work and what you do to keep yourself afloat and moving forward. Please schedule a time to talk with me! 🔥