7 Ways to Build Capacity From the Inside Out

To build capacity with others, you need to start with yourself. That means building capacity from the inside out. Start with these seven tips:

1. Pay attention to your own experiences. Notice what there is to be noticed.

2. Listen to your own heart, your intuition, your felt-sense of truth.

3. Reflect on what you are learning and how it connects to your bigger picture.

Only then will you be able to:

4. Ask others what they need.

5. And respond in earnest with supports they have said would be useful. 6. Nurture their growth and development.

7. Help them reflect on where they have been and how they have evolved.

Because really–if your learners don’t feel like their needs are met, you haven’t done your job.

And to be able to admit that to yourself and shift course means you have paid attention to your own experience, noticed what there is to be noticed, listened to your felt-sense of truth, reflected on your own learning and connected to the bigger picture so you can intentionally make choices and take actions to change direction and improve your response.

Whew! You do this. Remember? You’ve got this. ❤️