Development Without Limits

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Outcome: Grantmaking Strategy and Depth

Joy of Giving Something Foundation (JGS) came to DWL with Big Questions: how do we train afterschool workers to deliver high quality photography programming to kids from all age groups and backgrounds? What does high quality engagement look like? How do we build out a field of afterschool workers who care about visual arts? How do we leverage this investment in professional development to build sustainability for our grantees?

10 years later JGS continues to partner with DWL on dozens of projects. They bring a level of expertise in education, training, and facilitation that is unparalleled in my experience. Through every phase of a project – from conception to execution to assessment – DWL has the tools, experience, and personnel to get the job done.

Without the assistance of DWL our grantmaking would lack depth and integrity. JGS is slowly building a reputation as innovators in philanthropy, providing the kind of grant assistance that other foundations often overlook. Monetarily, our grants may not be the largest. But working with DWL allows us to add the kind of value to our initiatives that has a lasting impact on the organizations we support.

Working with DWL you can count on a high level of professionalism. They know how to find creative solutions to complex challenges. They are thought-partners, social engineers, productivity consultants, and truth tellers. I can’t imagine doing this work without DWL!

~Wayne Maugans, Program Officer, Joy of Giving Something Foundation