23 Ways to Make 2023 Your BEST Year Yet!

2023 in lights
  1. Fewer to-do’s. More bold action.

  2. Start your day with a smile and a deep breath. AMAZING things will start to happen!

  3. Listen. Intently.

  4. Mean people suck. Don’t become one of them. Not even for a second.

  5. Write more. Journaling, blogging, notes to friends and loved ones.

  6. Feature and showcase other people.

  7. Trust your team.

  8. Finish one thing. Let go of busy-ness.

  9. Create a leadership group or community of practice. It will make all the difference.

  10. Write that article already.

  11. Drink more water.

  12. Clean up. De-clutter. De-pile. The cloud can help. For real.

  13. Don’t leave a meeting without an action step.

  14. You are worth it. Remind yourself every day.

  15. Replace “Who’s going to let me?” with “Who’s going to stop me?” (Hint: Maybe no one?)

  16. Carry a notebook everywhere. Got an idea? Write it down. With today’s date. And a “next action” step. Repeat.

  17. Get more sleep. You deserve rest. You don’t earn it.

  18. Do more of what makes you happy.

  19. Call your mentor.

  20. Listen to more smart friends like my guests here.

  21. Stop worrying about the HOW. Focus on a small set of very specific WHATs. The rest will take care of itself.

  22. Let go of wanting everything to happen “Now, now, and now” and focus more on what you need to do “Next, next, and next.”

  23. Trust your experience. You are an expert.