Essential Virtual Meeting Tips in BINGO Form

We’re all getting a lot of experience on video conferences these days.  But are the virtual meetings you’re attending any good? Facilitating good virtual meetings and workshops takes planning and practice. Here are the essential tips, tried and true structures, routines and techniques that make virtual meetings effective and engaging.


Sure, we could have created another to-do list for you but c’mon, to-do lists don’t work. So, for your amusement and enjoyment, we’ve written these techniques in BINGO form.

Our challenge to you this week is to print out the Virtual Meeting Bingo sheet. Keep it with you as you attend or facilitate virtual meetings, workshops or classes. Check off a square for each technique you or the facilitator uses. Can you get 5 in a row? Or, better yet, can you fill the whole sheet?

When you do, snap a picture of your BINGO board and share it with us on our free LEARN>Without Limits community. We will send you a discount code for one of our upcoming courses.

Fun, right? Can’t wait to see how many you get.

Extra thanks to Jen Brevoort for developing this post.